Madrid and with the rest of our EMEA offices to achieve extraordinary results and make others shine - whether it&acute;s our clients, colleagues or community.</p>" />



Maleo Office – 1st floor
Rua Mouzinho da Silveira, nº 10
1250-167 Lisbon



Our new office in Lisbon is open since 2022.  We have been serving some of the most important Portuguese and international companies for nearly two decades. Consistently recognized as one of the top consulting partners, we work in partnership with our other Bain Iberia office in Madrid and with the rest of our EMEA offices to achieve extraordinary results and make others shine - whether it´s our clients, colleagues or community.

Our Team




Karriere bei Bain & Company

Bain & Company ist ein großartiger Ort, um eine erfolgreiche Karriere zu starten. Ganz gleich, ob Du langfristig in der Beratung bleibst oder nur für einige Jahre nach dem Studium Erfahrung als Consultant sammeln möchtest – Du profitierst von einer steilen Lern­kurve sowie von umfassenden Förderungsmöglichkeiten und arbeitest für international tätige Konzerne, Private Equity Firmen oder auch erfolgreiche mittelständische Unternehmen aller Branchen.

Social Impact

Social Impact

In the Lisbon office, we are committed to improving society. It is an important aspect of the Bain culture and who we are as individuals. We focus on social issues where we can have the greatest impact: those that ignite our passions and leverage our ability to generate tangible results in our community.


Our team members contribute to the community not only with donations but also by investing their time. We encourage our people to take part in projects with the NGO sector, and we seek suitable opportunities for them to engage in volunteer activities. Bain's sustainability initiatives were founded at a grassroots level with the formation of "green teams" in each office, focused on reducing our resource consumption.

Pro Bono

Since 2009, Bain Ibérica has collaborated closely with the Spanish Association of Fundraising (AEF) and 10 of Spain's largest NGOs to further develop the nonprofit sector. We recently collaborated with NGOs to implement an ambitious program to improve the sector.



Maleo Office – 1st floor
Rua Mouzinho da Silveira, nº 10
1250-167 Lisbon


Business Contact

Associate Consultant Recruiting

Consultant Recruiting

Local Media/Public Relations

International and Corporate Media/Public Relations


Möchten Sie mit uns in Kontakt bleiben?

Wir unterstützen Führungskräfte weltweit, die kritischen Themen in ihrem Unternehmen zu adressieren. Gemeinsam schaffen wir nachhaltige Veränderungen und Ergebnisse.