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Nosso escritório

Silicon Valley

3000 El Camino Real
2 Palo Alto Square, 10th Floor

Palo Alto, California 94306
United States

Silicon Valley

Over a span of more than 15 years, Bain Silicon Valley has both deepened the firm’s Bay Area presence and provided a focal point for its worldwide technology initiative. Situated in the nation’s innovation and technology nexus, our office represents Bain’s commitment to the region’s many entrepreneurial, rapid-growth tech start-ups, as well as established firms, buyouts, venture groups and Fortune 500 companies across various other industries.

Our Team

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Trabalhar na Bain & Company

A Bain & Company é uma das melhores empresas do mundo para se trabalhar, com um vasto leque de opções para alunos prestes a se formar, detentores de MBAs e formação avançada e profissionais já com experiência.
Desde nosso começo, como uma consultoria que questionava o modus operandi do setor, nossa fórmula do sucesso foi simples: criar uma cultura colaborativa e de alto impacto na qual indivíduos de talento excepcional pudessem brilhar naquilo que fazem.

Social Impact

Social Impact

At Bain Silicon Valley, we strive to make a difference in everything we do.

KIPP (Knowledge is Power Program)

Bain's San Francisco and Silicon Valley offices teamed up with KIPP Bay Area Schools, a branch of the national KIPP charter school network, to improve educational opportunities and to close the achievement gap for low-income students in the area. 

Community Impact Day

Serving our community is a rich tradition within Bain. Each spring, Bain's San Francisco and Silicon Valley offices spend an entire day volunteering for a variety of local nonprofit organizations, giving back to the cities and neighborhoods where we live and work. 

Learn about Bain's global social impact initiatives

Nosso Impact Report 2021

Ajudamos os principais pioneiros sociais a escalar e potencializar seu impacto.

Leia o relatório

Our Latest Insights


Silicon Valley office

3000 El Camino Real
2 Palo Alto Square, 10th Floor

Palo Alto, California 94306
United States

Media/Public Relations

Dan Pinkney

Phone: +1 646 562 8102



Advanced Degree Recruiting


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